Dear Soul Family Beloveds,
As 2021 comes to an end, 2022 heralds a new beginning. Lyrica and I are choosing to take a time out from our current heart agendas, go deeply into our own wintering womb world to nurture the life force spark of our 2022 emergence, arising out of all the seeds intimately shared in these “Soul Conversations.”
Can you feel a similar soul-longing to shift your focus away from your 2021 life that has defined YOU in a certain way? Does it feel too small, no longer resonate? If so, join us (to the degree that you can.) Take a break from life’s busyness, be still, invite in the new larger you.
Step into the higher world order awaiting your arrival. The light energy flowing into the planet now can only support this new you, not the old version, now outdated, that has beautifully run its course, fulfilled its purpose. That one is now receding, beckoning all of us into a void space where all new beginnings are born.
The “new” may just be one fresh step into the unknown, sparked and powered by the heart. We are all meant to be creator beings, an evolution that comes to life every moment that we create something new and beautiful, something that we love and that loves us in return.
Lyrica and I will return to our “Soul Conversations,” not on a scheduled timetable, but when inspired to celebrate “the new” that each one of us is becoming… a higher expression of true essence touching true essence. This will truly be an exciting time to reconnect and share our gifts of light and love!
Celebrating the NEW US in 2022,
Gayle & Lyrica